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Best Coffee Making Tips


Making espresso in the comfort of your own home brings with it a many advantages. Not only does it save time, but it also helps to taste that perfect coffee flavour right after waking up in the morning. Or why not savour the delicious taste while enjoying the sunset. The main point is that while learning tips and tricks to make the best espresso at home, it opens the paths in multiple ways to enjoy the coffee.


1. Best Coffee Making Tips: Grind Your Espresso Beans:

The flavour of your coffee is very dependent on the time you invest in grinding the beans. With extreme fineness in texture, the coffee flavour may taste too bitter and robust. A coarse texture may lead to clogged coffee filters while giving a very weak taste. The main point to keep in mind is that the consistency of the coffee should be gritty like that of sugar or salt. It should not have a powder texture similar to flour.


2. Best Coffee Making Tips; Storage Of Beans Should Be In The Freezer:

Espresso is always preferred fresh. Store espresso beans in the freezer while ground coffee is best stored in an airtight container in a fridge. Try to use the freshly ground coffee within a week.


3. Best Coffee Making Tips: Cold Is Preferable:

Start with cold water for the best espresso. Use filtered water stored in the refrigerator. This will prepare your espresso in the best possible way.


4. Best Cappuccino: Steam With Skim

Always use fresh cold milk in the preparation of espresso. Skimmed is the best option. Skimmed cold milk helps to give the foam content in espresso because of its fat content.

5. Tamp Your Ground Espresso Beans:

This step must never be ignored. The process of tamping down the ground espresso at least once in the filter is essential. Compacting the ground beans helps in letting the water seep through in an even manner. This process assists in getting an excellent flavour.

6. Clean Up Your Espresso Maker After Every Use:

Last but not least, Well, cleaning the coffee machine is one of the most critical steps. It might seem like a chore, but keeping your coffeemachine clean is sure to enhance the taste every time you use it. Avoiding cleaning after every use is sure to lead to a loss of taste after some time.



